Sunday, February 6, 2011


When I began my exploration into SL I was adamant that I would never be collared nor would I offer anyone a collar. How wrong I was. I followed along behind my first partner and saw that devotion and love both have a meaning in this virtual world. Later I would be offered a collar by a tenderhearted girl with the best of intentions, shortly after that I would wear the collar of a wonderful woman for nearly a year.

During that year I gained the love of many sisters. Each one very different, but each just as caring and devoted, not only to our Mistress, but to each other as well. Those relationships seem to endure the strongest of all.

I've collared four of my own thus far, though two have since moved on. Four wonderful people with deep heart and wonderful minds. I love them all and will care deeply for everyone of them always.

I've passed my third rezday recently. Two that were thought lost to SL returned at nearly the same time. Many tears of joy were shed for relationships renewed, including mine. Though I learned much from both of them in the past, their absence taught my heart to be harder and more careful.

The words of someone who was once close to me echo in my mind lately.

"These things do hurt us."