Sunday, May 31, 2009

Support Structure

Win's comment on my last entry along with a talk I had with Alt has made me aware that I am not alone. What is it with Banishment that takes the sub out of some of us? Is the change a lasting one? I'm still quite happy with the "new me", but are the rest of those that have changed as happy? I'm seriously considering starting a support group.

Ash and I had a strong scene together today. My RL weekend had been quite a mess, limiting our time together. I think we made up for it though. After the scene had ended, during our cuddle time, she wanted to know what it was about "all of this" that I enjoyed most. My answer didn't take much consideration. I find that what I really enjoy is giving other's what they need. I'm not trying to sound like a martyr here mind you, I do indeed get something in return. It's the power exchange. It's become almost cliche', but it does happen. And the more I learn about a select few individuals the more gratifying and yes, sexually exciting, it becomes.
This isn't a new thing for me. I am a switch and have had some wonderful scenes as a top before, but recently the level of power being exchanged seems to have increased. I'm certain that my relationship with Ash has heightened that to no small degree, and it's happening with others as well.

Flashing back to my first point though, can I expect this to last? Better question; how can I make sure that it does?

1 comment:

  1. **can't help grinning at hearing that reason, almost word for word, from another former sister, before your time with Her**

    Sis, all i can say, and recommend, is follow your will lead you where you need to go, always.

    Love You
