Friday, May 22, 2009

After Action Report

Yes I'm free of the Custodian, the helmet and the banesuit. But am I free of S-5876?
If you are considering Banishment (and I speak of the Kelly Technologies program because that's the one I know about) make sure you think about it carefully. If you take roleplay seriously, and you get yourself into your AV, then Banishment will effect you. And I mean YOU, not your AV. IT also has effects on those close to you. They will hurt, be lonely, be worried and afraid for you. You have to be prepared to deal with them as well. Of course, it would help if they were prepared to deal with all of the relationship chaos you are about to drag them through, but then it might dilute the experience. I said it before though, if you test your friends, they will fail.

So there are after effects to deal with. Shibari is shy, scared to get too close to people. She's more comfortable when there is some distance between her and the people around her, and she doesn't want her back to the wall. Is this RP? Yes, of course, but I RP what feels right to me.

Someone asked me if I would do it again.. I can't honestly answer that, at least not right now. It's is the single most powerful thing I have done in SL, and I don't see a way t top it.

For those of you that read the story, no, I didn't find my Eudaemon. I'm not disappointed though. I know it doesn't always happen, and I know that I didn't spend nearly enough time as a bane for it to even start.

So now I will rebuild Shibari's broken Id, and learn from it. Hopefully I will be asked to be an Operator myself, but we'll see.

1 comment:

  1. It's funny, the name Eudamon is a play on the old Greek work for hapiness Eu-daimonia or "Good spirit". There was this on going Greek philosophica debate for happiness and virtue... dos one earn the other, or are they simply tied?

    In the story, virtue is forced upon the bane as a near rae of the mind. Virtue is the only course by which a person can urn, like the one open wndow in a car sinking in the lake! But worse, is the isolation in public. Again, all by force.

    How the banes survive is personal, yet, a harsh survival is called for. Even though thi is a 'choice' to try out Marine's sim, it is a powerul experience.

    We will all give you time, distance, and care. Like a badly treated puppy... we have faith our lovingkindess will bring you close once again...
